Rolling Stones at MetLife Stadium on May 23, 2024

If anyone could have predicted back in 1989, the first time I saw the Rolling Stones live, in East Troy, Wisconsin, that in the year 2024 the Stones would STILL BE HERE, and touring with a brand-new album under their belts to boot, I would never have believed them. When I saw the Steel Wheels show back in ’89, I was certain that this was my one and only chance I would get to see the Stones, ever. The fact that this band is still here, still playing, is an unimaginable feat. They have been performing live since before I was even born, and I am no spring chicken myself. We are so blessed to still have the Stones after all these years.

The Thursday, May 23, 2024, show at MetLife Stadium was one of the best, if not THE best of all the Stones shows I have yet seen. Not only were the lads in fine form musically, putting on a fantastic performance, it also turned out to be a wonderful overall EXPERIENCE. This was my 20th time.

My most recent show had been May 11 in Vegas, which was also fantastic, but in my view the Stones were even better tonight. Mick had more swagger and was more enthusiastic and had more flamboyant gestures. During Miss You he gave us some extra what’s-a-matter-wich-you-boy’s, in addition to his howlig and harmonica playing.  Keith was in top form as well.  His guitar playing was splendid, especially on You Got the Silver, Gimme Shelter, Sympathy, and Jumping Jack Flash. Best of all, you can see they are really enjoying themselves up there! Those 60-foot screens don’t lie.

Gene’s favorite numbers included Get Off My Cloud, Angry, and Jumping Jack Flash. My favorite this night was Miss You. Gene and I were both impressed by Chanel Haynes on Gimme Shelter. Gene remarked that he was especially moved by Steve Jordan’s drumming and Keith’s overall joyousness.

Rolling StonesThis was my first time seeing the Stones with Lucky Dip tickets. I had originally intended to attend this show with my friend Bill and go with him to meet Shidoobeans for the first time, but sadly Bill threw his back out that morning and had to reluctantly cancel.  Our mutual friend Gene saved the day, driving us from Brooklyn.  I am so very glad to have had the chance to go with Gene, who is also a lifelong Stones fan and — an eternal optimist — who has seen them many times over the years. Not only that, but Gene met both Mick and Keith and many others associated with the band over the years, and he has many war stories to share.  For tonight, Gene timed everything perfectly, as we got there just before 8 pm as the opening act, Jon Batiste, was just taking the stage. Our LD seats were on the side of the stage in the lower bowl, section 142 to be exact. Although these seats were labeled “limited view” on our paper tickets, we were both thrilled with our proximity. While we did not have a great view of Steve Jordan, we were close to the runway on Ronnie’s side of the stage and the large screens helped immensely. From this angle we could see not only the band, but the large and enthusiastic crowd. What a festive night this was. The crowd was in such good spirits.

The vote song was Wild Horses. I had voted for Depending On You in honor of my dear friend Steve Couse, of blessed memory. The other choices this night were Worried About You and Fool to Cry.

Jon Batiste was the opening act, and his performance was fantastic. He had a full entourage with him, but he also performed several numbers by himself on piano. He wore a sparkly gold suit and a beaming smile. One of his songs was When the Saints Go Marching In!

After Jon Batiste finished Gene and I had time for a pit stop, a visit to the refreshment stand, AND a stop by the merch stand for t-shirts, where there was absolutely no line, and we were back to our seats in plenty of time. Thanks to Gene’s strategic parking decision and driving, we were on the highway back to Brooklyn in no time. Up until today the weather forcast had called for rain, but Gene insisted that we would definitely not get any rain — and he was right. On the drive home, the full moon was shining on us.