Here’s the latest issue of Endo Tribune, featuring my report and photographs from the annual meeting of the American Association of Endodontists, AAE16, held earlier this year in San Francisco. If you click a page it will open bigger.
The article is also on the Dental Tribune website — direct link here.

I just got back from San Francisco, where I attended the “CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry” event, conducted by the California Dental Association. Dental Tribune published three issues of our at-show newspaper, and as part of my editorial assignments I photographed much of the activity in the exhibit hall and in the classrooms. I also wrote up a few articles about some of the educational offerings and some of the other activity.

After the work portion of the trip concluded, I stayed in town for an extra day to do a bit of sightseeing. The highlight was a Segway tour of the waterfront area. I had never been on a Segway before, and I was a bit apprehensive to do this on streets with such steep hills. But it turned out to be a great way to travel!

Writing, editing, graphic design, blogging