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Robert Moses: The Power Broker

The recent demise of congestion pricing in Manhattan got me thinking that cars always win. If you’ve ever wondered why New York City lacks a mass transit system befitting the world-class metropolis it is meant to be, why tolls are still being charged to cross bridges many generations after construction has been paid for and that those tolls keep going up, or why getting to JFK airport on a weekday afternoon is such a hellish nightmare, look no further than Robert Moses, the master builder who controlled most of our public infrastructure for many long decades. With the possible exception of J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI, no one individual has ever held such unbridled autocratic authority over so many people and so many resources for so long.

Robert Moses book reviewUndisputably, Robert Moses was THE dominant figure in New York City from the mid-1920s to the late 1960s. He met the Queen of England and the Pope. Mayors, Governors, and Presidents came and went, but Robert Moses remained. Several Mayors and even FDR himself tried to oust Moses but failed. At various points in his long career, Moses was Chairman of the New York State, Long Island, and New York City parks departments; Chairman of the Emergency Public Works Commission; Chairman of the New York State Power Authority; chief of the New York City Planning Commission; President of the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair; and Chairman of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. Despite holding all these quasi-government posts, he was never elected to any office. In 1934 he ran for Governor of New York State as a Republican and lost in a landslide.

His list of accomplishments is long. He built Jones Beach State Park, Jacob Riis Park, Orchard Beach, numerous power dams, many low-income housing projects, countless state parks, countless city parks, and the Central Park Zoo. He was instrumental in the construction of Shea Stadium, the United Nations headquarters, and Lincoln Center. He built the Henry Hudson, Grand Central, Northern State, Southern State, Taconic, and Meadowbrook State parkways, among others. He built the Triborough, Verrazano-Narrows, Whitestone, and Throgs Neck bridges, and many more. He also built the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (the BQE), the Staten Island Expressway, and others. In short, much of New York City and New York State, and especially the way we get from Point A to Point B, is because of Robert Moses.

But in addition to being a builder, Moses was also a destroyer. He razed many neighborhoods and displaced countless numbers of their residents. The Cross Bronx Expressway was — and still is, to this very day — especially cruel. So was the construction of the Gowanus Expressway, which tore through the Sunset Park neighborhood in Brooklyn, destroying a community. According to the book, Moses refused the pleas of local residents to build the highway over Second Avenue rather than Third, to the demise of these families. Surprisingly, Moses didn’t always get his way. Instead of a Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, he wanted a bridge, which would have obliterated large chunks of Lower Manhattan. He also intended to build a Mid-Manhattan Expressway across 30th Street, and he wanted to run a highway through Manhattan’s West Village and Washington Square Park. Imagine New York City today if Moses had succeeded in those projects? And through his stubborn intransigence, Moses also had a hand in the loss of the city’s beloved Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team!

All of this and much more is described in The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, the massive biography by Robert Caro. This book, which is thick and heavy enough to be used as a doorstopper, was published in the early 1970s, when Moses was still alive. It has long been considered the definitive biography of Moses. It won a Pulitzer Prize. But I think it is a flawed work. In my view, such a lengthy account (this one clocks in at 1,200 pages, which took me almost three months to finish!) should cover everything about its subject. However, there was nothing in The Power Broker about Jane Jacobs and her epic battle with Moses over the expressway he wanted to build through the West Village. And there was not enough about the public housing built by Robert Moses. Nevertheless, despite its flaws, I do consider The Power Broker to be a must-read for anyone interested in 20th Century American politics and, more specifically, infrastructure.

My favorite sections of the book included everything that had to do with Al Smith, the Roman Catholic governor of New York State who ran unsuccessfully for President in 1928 (losing to Herbert Hoover). According to the book, Smith was the only governor, the only politician really, whom Moses ever looked up to and the only one he showed respect to. I also learned a lot in this book about Fiorello LaGuardia, the larger-than-life Mayor of New York in the 1930s and 40s, who had grand visions of his own. I also learned a great deal in this book about the flawed reporting published by the New York Times and many other newspapers about Moses, who in addition to being a master builder was also a master of spinning a narrative.

Here are a few more notes about Robert Moses, according to the book:

  • He was physically imposing, big, tall, and muscular.
  • He attended Yale and was on the swimming team.
  • As an adult he went swimming out in the ocean, so far out that he could not be seen from shore.
  • He did not drive himself but rather was chauffeured around in the back of a town car.
  • He went deaf! (This was fitting because he never listened to anyone anyway.)
  • He had a wife, Mary, and two daughters. A month after Mary died of old age he got remarried to a younger woman, also named Mary and her nickname was Mary II.

According to the book, it was New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller who finally ousted Moses from power. The man who had once wielded so much control finally died in 1981, broken, lonely and penniless.

If you ask any New Yorker today what they think about Robert Moses, the reaction will almost invariably be negative. In my view that is because of his biggest flaw, which was his failure to envision a world that did not revolve around people getting from one place to another in single-passenger cars.

The Hemingses of Monticello

This is a difficult story to comprehend, but research by Annette Gordon-Reed and many others in recent decades has it well documented. Thomas Jefferson fathered SEVEN children with Sally Hemings. Three of the seven died in infancy, but the others lived to adulthood and some of them had descendants of their own, many of whom are alive today. Sally Hemings was one of hundreds of human beings enslaved in Virginia by the author of the Declaration of Independence. Sally Hemings was the half-sister of Thomas Jefferson’s widow, Martha (Wayles) Jefferson, and she was therefore the aunt of Jefferson’s two white daughters and was roughly their same age. The four of them plus Sally’s enslaved brother James Hemings lived together for several years in Paris after the Revolutionary War, while Jefferson was serving as an ambassador. When Jefferson was recalled to New York City to serve as Secretary of State in President Washington’s cabinet, they traveled back together by ship, while Sally Hemings was pregnant.

Thomas Jefferson had married Martha Wayles, who was a young widow, in 1772. Upon their wedding Jefferson received a dowry that included a plantation and many slaves, including a whole family of Hemingses, including the matriarch, Elizabeth Hemings (Sally’s mother), who had 12 children of her own, including 10 fathered by John Wayles (Thomas Jefferson’s wife’s father)! All of this is quite difficult to keep track of, and thankfully the author of “The Hemingses of Monticello” has included a family tree.

Martha died in 1782, three years before Jefferson went to Paris. This book covers not only Jefferson’s years in Paris, but also his time in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and ultimately his retirement to Monticello. When Jefferson died on the fourth of July in 1826, he was deeply in debt, and most of the enslaved were auctioned off right on the front lawn of Jefferson’s mansion.

The Hemingses of Monticello

As I mentioned, it’s hard to get my mind around all of this. I imagine it might even have been difficult for people in the early 19th century to fathom, as well. It’s not surprising that for the better part of 200 years, few people believed the story of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings. But this author, Annette Gordon-Reed, has the receipts. This is a well-researched book, full of modern-day insights. This is not a “let’s beat up on Thomas Jefferson because he owned slaves” book. Nor is it a “this is all OK because that’s just the way it was back then” book. The author puts the events she describes into context of the times, while at the same time offering a more up-to-date perspective. She explains a great deal, and at other times she offers plausible explanations for questions that may never be answered.

Thomas Jefferson is the author of our country’s founding document and its key phrase, that all men are created equal. Yet he was an active participant in an entrenched system based on white supremacy, exploitation, and unpaid forced labor. Four score and seven years later, our nation’s sixteenth President would invoke Jefferson’s words in an effort to bring our country back together during a war that was fought, yes, to end slavery once and for all. Our nation’s history is a complicated one. Those who founded our country were indeed heroes, but all heroes are flawed.

I’m so very glad to have had the opportunity to read this book. I learned so much, and I want to learn more. This is not just the story of Jefferson and Sally Hemings, rather it is the story of the entire Hemings family, spanning many generations.

This is an important book.


The make-or-break moment for Richard Nixon came during the presidential election of 1952. He was a hotshot rookie Senator from California, and General Dwight D. Eisenhower had chosen him as his vice-presidential running mate. The ticket had been officially nominated at the Republican National Convention. Then news broke that Nixon had a secret fund created by various wealthy friends and supporters. It was not the biggest scandal that had ever taken place in American politics, but it was serious enough to embarrass Eisenhower, who sent signals to Nixon that he wanted him to withdraw from the ticket. Not only that, but Ike presumed Nixon would resign from the Senate as well. Had Nixon done so, he would have become a small footnote in history. But Nixon was way too bold, way too cunning to slink away with his tail between his legs. He instead booked a live television appearance and gave what would become known as the “Checkers” speech. More than 60 million Americans tuned in. It was the largest television event ever aired, to that date.

Richard Nixon biography

While Nixon was explaining his finances in great detail to the American public, he uttered a bunch of corny lines, including, “Pat doesn’t have a mink coat. But she does have a respectable Republican cloth coat, and I always tell her she’d look good in anything.” He also said that one of his benefactors had sent the family a cocker spaniel that one of his daughters had named Checkers, “and you know, the kids, like all kids, love the dog, and I just want to say this, right now, that regardless of what they say about it, we’re gonna keep it.” Nixon concluded his remarks with a call to action. He told viewers to contact the Republican National Committee and tell them (not Ike!) whether or not he should withdraw from the nomination. And of course the phones rang off the hook in favor of Nixon remaining on the ticket. He went on to serve eight years as Vice President under Ike. In 1960 Vice President Nixon ran for President and lost in a nail-biter to JFK. Two years later Nixon ran for governor of California — and lost. Then, in 1968, he ran for President once again and won. Then he got re-elected in 1972 in a landslide. And of course, two years later, he became the only U.S. president in history to resign, because of the Watergate scandal.

Richard Milhous Nixon, also known as Dick Nixon, also known as Tricky Dick, was born in 1913 in Yorba Linda, California. His childhood was just as dismal as you would imagine. He wasn’t born in a log cabin, but he would have been born in one if log cabins still existed in the early 20th century. The family was poor. His father was a citrus farmer who was unable to turn a profit despite being in Southern California. He had three brothers, two of whom died of very young of tuberculosis. To his credit, Nixon made the most of his circumstances. He excelled in a number of extracurricular activities in high school and college, including music, theater and football. After graduating from Whittier College he attended Duke University on a scholarship and earned a law degree. He married Pat, whose maiden name was Thelma Ryan. They had two daughters. In the early 1940s the couple moved to the nation’s capital, where Nixon worked for the federal government. During World War II Nixon served in the Navy and was stationed in the South Pacific. He received several medals and commendations. While stationed overseas during the war he ran a concession stand.

After the war Nixon returned to California, where he practiced law and sought employment with the federal government. In 1946, with the backing of a group supporters called the “Committee of 100” or the “Amateurs” (a precursor of Tea Party in more modern times) Nixon ran for Congress against a five-term entrenched Democrat and won. During the campaign Nixon falsely accused his opponent of being in bed with Communists. As a freshman congressman Nixon joined the House Un-American Activities Committee and began hunting for Communists in government agencies. One of Nixon’s targets was Alger Hiss, who may or may not have been a spy for the Soviets. Hiss had been accused by Whittaker Chambers, who was an unreliable source because he kept changing his story. According to the book, Hiss was indeed a spy. But he was not ever convicted of espionage, only perjury.

When he became President, Nixon inherited an unwinnable war in Vietnam. Rather than finding a way to end the fighting, he instead expanded the conflict into Laos and Cambodia, destabilizing those countries and making everything worse. He and Henry Kissinger, who was Nixon’s Secretary of State as well as his National Security Advisor, dropped lots of bombs on all three countries. All the while he was lying to the American people about it.

He also lied to the American people about Watergate. The scandal first surfaced in 1972, during Nixon’s re-election campaign, when a bunch of dudes got arrested breaking into the offices of Democratic National Headquarters to bug the phones. Watergate is the name of the large complex of office buildings and residential apartments that housed the Democratic offices at the time.

Like a dirty snowball rolling down a hill, the story just got bigger and bigger. At the height of the drama, the Watergate matter was being investigated by a federal Grand Jury, Senate and House committees, and a Special Prosecutor, Archibald Cox, whom Nixon fired in October 1973, in what became known as the Saturday Night Massacre.

It was the Senate committee that found out about the tapes. Yes, in the immortal words of Dick Cavett, Nixon had been “bugging himself,” and there was a huge fight over the tapes that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ordered Nixon to turn them over. The tapes revealed that Nixon had in fact been involved in a cover-up from the beginning, and that he had been lying about it from the get-go. There was also an 18-and-a-half-minute gap on one of the tapes that Nixon probably erased himself, the contents of which, to this day, are yet unknown.

In late July 1974, the House committee recommended three articles of impeachment against Nixon, who resigned in a nationally televised address to the nation on August 9, 1974. Had he not resigned, Nixon most certainly would have been impeached by the full House, convicted in the Senate trial, and removed from office.

In the aftermath of Watergate, literally dozens of Nixon’s men would be convicted of crimes and serve time in prison. Chief among them were Nixon’s 1972 campaign manager, who had been Attorney General, John Mitchell; his Chief of Staff, H. R. “Bob” Haldeman; his domestic affairs advisor, John Ehrlichman; his White House Counsel, John Dean; and many, many others.

It was Gerald R. Ford, not the man who had been elected and re-elected with Nixon, who became our nation’s 38th President. That’s because in Nixon’s first — and worst — presidential decision, he had chosen Spiro Agnew as his vice-presidential running mate. As Governor of Maryland and as Vice President of the United States, Agnew had been taking bribes. This happened during Watergate but was not connected to Watergate. When caught in 1973 he was forced to resign, and Nixon named Congressman Ford to replace him.

All of this and more is described in “Richard Nixon: The Life,” by John A. Farrell, published in 2017. This presidential biography clocks in at 700-plus pages including notes and bibliography. I found the book an absolute pleasure to read. In my view, the author was more or less fair to Nixon. I happen to already know a great deal about Nixon’s presidency and about Watergate, but in this book I learned a great deal about Nixon’s long and extensive career in public life before he became President.

Also documented in the book is what is known today as the “Chennault affair.” According to this book and other sources, Nixon sent Anna Chennault, who was working on his 1968 presidential election campaign, to Paris to sabotage peace negotiations being conducted by the Johnson administration and the North Vietnamese, thus prolonging the Vietnam War. It’s yet another example of Nixon’s malfeasance.

Here is a bit more about our nation’s 37th President:

  • He was a Quaker.
  • He played piano.
  • Both of Nixon’s daughters had notable weddings. Julie married David Eisenhower, grandson of the former President, at Marble Collegiate Church in New York City in 1966, before Nixon’s presidency. Then during Nixon’s presidency Tricia married Edward Cox in the White House Rose Garden, in 1971.
  • Nixon has been described as being paranoid, reclusive, anti-social and withdrawn.
  • During the Watergate years many reported that he appeared to have been drinking excessively.
  • Also during Watergate he made a high-profile trip to China, where he palled around with a bunch of Communists.
  • According to the book, he gave his staff strange orders. He presumed they would ignore the really outrageous requests, but he expected everyone to know the difference between a real order and one not to be acted upon.
  • He hated journalists and viewed the press and as enemies.
  • He had a trademark gesture in which he raised his arms up in the air and made a “V for victory” sign with both hands. It also looked like the peace sign, except Nixon would never let himself be associated with “hippie culture.”
  • As President, Nixon presided over the elimination of the gold standard, and he issued wage and price controls in an effort to tamp down inflation. He managed to keep the economy going, but, according to the book, this only forestalled the inevitable downturn that his successors would have to deal with, to their own detriment.
  • He called for federal healthcare legislation that was, more or less, just like the Affordable Care Act that would be enacted decades later.
  • He appeared on the popular TV show “Laugh-In.”
  • He and his wife are mentioned by name in the Rolling Stones song “Rip This Joint,” the second song on the band’s classic 1972 double album “Exile on Main St.”
  • He’s also mentioned in the 1975 David Bowie song “Young Americans.”
  • And he’s referenced indirectly in Queen’s 1978 single “Bicycle Race.”
  • And he’s mentioned in the 1978 movie “Grease.”
  • He got the nickname “Tricky Dick” from Helen Gahagan Douglas, his Democratic opponent for Senate in 1950. He had dishonestly accused her of being a Communist who was “pink right down to her underwear.”
  • After his loss in the California governor’s race in 1962, he spoke to reporters and made a number of unhinged remarks, including, “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.”
  • In 1973 he was being investigated for tax fraud, unrelated to Watergate, and spoke to reporters in yet another angry, unhinged rant in which be claimed to have never obstructed justice, and then he said this memorable line: “I welcome this kind of examination because people have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I am not a crook.”
  • After resigning from office but before leaving the White House in the helicopter, he spoke to reporters and made even more unhinged remarks, including this bizarre statement: “Others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.”

After his presidency, Nixon returned to California before moving to New York City and eventually settling in New Jersey. In retirement, he wrote several books and tried to re-invent himself as an elder statesman, which he wasn’t. Pat died in 1993, and Nixon died in 1994. And good riddance to him, too. In my view, he was a bad man and a bad president. Our world today is still dealing with much of the harm Nixon unleashed, and in my opinion we would all be much better off if he had exited from national politics in 1952, as Ike had wanted.


Alexander Calder bookAlexander Calder was one of the most prolific artists of the 20th Century. He is best known for the mobile, which is a kinetic sculpture featuring moving objects balanced in air. His mobiles are often hung from the ceiling in large public buildings, with delicately balanced metal discs that move in interesting ways. Calder is also known for a static form of sculpture called the stabile. The bright red creation titled “La Grande Vitesse,” located in downtown Grand Rapids, is a stabile. The work pictured on the cover of this book is a stabile-mobile, incorporating both fixed and movable elements.

I picked up this book, by Jacob Baal-Teshuva, several years back at the Museum of Modern Art gift shop for ten dollars. It’s 95 pages and includes photographs of works spanning his entire career, plus a bibliography and a timeline of important events in the artist’s life.

Here are a few more notes about Calder:

  • His nickname was Sandy.
  • He is described as a loving family man with a sunny disposition. He was known to have had many friends.
  • His father and grandfather were both sculptors, in the classical style.
  • He was born in Philadelphia and lived in New York City and Connecticut. He also spent many years in France.
  • He had a degree in mechanical engineering.
  • His works in France included an elaborate model of a circus, with moving elements, as well as wire sculptures of Josephine Baker and other celebrities.
  • He did many paintings, most with bright, primary colors.
  • He painted three jet airliners for Braniff Airlines.
  • He also created toys and jewelry.
  • Calder’s Flamingo, a stabile in Chicago, was featured in the 1986 film “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”
  • There are THREE Calders in New York City (that I am aware of). There’s a black stabile at Lincoln Center; a red stabile at 57th Street and Madison Avenue; and a red, yellow and blue stabile-mobile called “Janey Waney,” in Gramercy Park.
  • He had a big exhibition a few years back at the Whitney Museum, and he’s got a big exhibition currently on display at the MoMA.
  • Nobody from Grand Rapids says La Grande Vitesse, ever. To us, it is simply The Calder. It was dedicated in 1969.
  • He died in 1976.

If you ask me, most of Calder’s paintings and sculptures are instantly recognizable. I love his works because they bring joy.

Lena Horne

If you happen to have the soundtrack to the 1994 film “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,” then play Track 8, “A Fine Romance,” in which the singer laments being in a relationship with a partner who does not reciprocate in the physical affection department. It’s a snappy little song with clever lyrics that are made even more interesting by the way they are delivered, by the one-and-only Lena Horne. She’s completely in command, and the orchestra sounds fantastic. It’s one of hundreds of songs this wonderful singer recorded over many decades.

Lena Horne had a long career in Hollywood movies, on the Broadway stage, on television, as a performer in nightclubs, and as a recording artist. She was not the first black actress to appear on the big screen, but she was the first to be given the Hollywood glamour treatment. She was definitely a groundbreaker. Sadly, racism touched just about every aspect of her life and work.

Lena Horne was born in Brooklyn to a large, privileged family that was presided over by her maternal grandmother. But when Lena was very young her mother, an aspiring singer and actress, took her away to travel with her as she sought work as a performer. Her mother often left young Lena to live for weeks or months at a time with various friends and relatives. It must have been difficult for such a young girl.

When she was still in her teens Horne got a job performing in the chorus at the Cotton Club, up in Harlem. All the performers were black, and all the patrons were white. The black performers had to come in the back door, and if black relatives of the performers came to see the show they had to sit at a “family table,” which was of course in the back next to the kitchen.

Lena Horne by James Gavin

From there Horne went on tour with a traveling orchestra and eventually went out to L.A. and performed at the Café Trocadero. Soon after, with the help of Walter White of the NAACP, she signed a contract at MGM to appear in movies. This was a big deal back then, because it was the Golden Age of Hollywood and the major studios were at the peak of their creative output. White wanted to use Horne to help improve the image of black people in movies, promising that she would never have to play a maid. But to Horne’s disappointment she was not destined to be a big star with leading roles. She appeared in about a dozen films for MGM, mostly in the 1940s. She could be given one song to perform that had nothing to do with the plot. This made it possible for her appearance in a movie to be edited out when it was shown in the racist South.

Eventually Horne stopped making movies and instead developed her nightclub act. She got really good, too, performing in some of the best rooms, including the Sands in Las Vegas and the Waldorf-Astoria in New York. She recorded live albums at these venues that were commercially successful. She also recorded dozens of studio albums, and while those were not always commercially successful, they were almost always artistically successful. She had learned to put emotion into her songs. It’s just a hunch on my part, but I’m thinking that in the recording studio many years after she left Hollywood and she was singing “A Fine Romance,” she was not lamenting a lover but rather her experience at MGM. She was hoping for fireworks but instead got bottle rockets.

James Gavin Lena Horne
Lena Horne in ‘Till the Clouds Roll By’ (1946). (Public domain/studio publicity still)

In the 1960s Horne got involved in the civil rights movement. The new president, John F. Kennedy, was dragging his feet on helping Americans who were black, and leaders from the NAACP and other groups began holding the administration’s feet to the fire. They demanded a sit-down, and Horne participated in a meeting in New York City with black activists and Attorney General Bobby Kennedy. She also traveled to Jackson, Mississippi, where she met Medgar Evers and participated in a rally organized by the civil rights leader. On this trip she also met with a group of black children who were learning how to defend themselves against beatings by racist cops, and she sang at a church concert. Less than a week later Horne was waiting in the ABC studios, about to go on the “Today” show with Hugh Downs, when she learned, just moments before airtime, that Evers had been murdered. It was difficult for her to keep her composure.

Horne also took part in the March on Washington in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his memorable speech. Horne did not give a speech herself, but she did go to the microphone to shout the word “Freedom!” so that marchers knew that she was there.

Also during the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, Horne appeared on various television shows, including “The Ed Sullivan Show,” “The Judy Garland Show,” “The Muppet Show” and “Sesame Street.” She returned to the big screen in 1978, in “The Wiz,” playing Glinda. And she continued to record many albums.

I learned all this reading “Stormy Weather: The Life of Lena Horne,” an all-encompassing, 500-page biography by the author and journalist James Gavin, who has written many highly regarded books, including one on Chet Baker and another on the history of New York’s cabaret scene. I happen to be personally acquainted with the author. We’ve stayed at the same house at Fire Island. His knowledge about 20th Century popular American music is unrivaled by anyone I’ve ever met. He’s the kind of person who has never walked or driven past a record store without going inside. His music collection is legendary. For me it was great fun to read about Lena Horne in a book written by someone I know! He patiently and graciously answered many questions I had.

For me, some of the highlights of the book included the author’s description of what the Cotton Club was like. He also describes aspects of the studio system that existed in Hollywood back in that era, and he includes in-depth details such as what type of makeup was used on Horne’s complexion for filming. He leaves nothing out. The book includes a number of really nice photographs of Lena Horne taken throughout her life. In most of the pictures, at least to my eye, she looks like she is having a good time, especially when she is with her daughter, Gail.

The author also includes a discography and a filmography at the back. I found myself flipping back and forth quite a bit. Several times I found myself looking up scenes from some of the movies in which Horne appeared on YouTube. And more than once I ordered some of her albums from Amazon. When playing one of these CDs, a Collectibles version of “At the Waldorf Astoria” and “At the Sands,” which were recorded in front of her live audience (of mostly rich white people), I can literally hear the emotions described by the author in her voice. For anyone who is a fan of Lena Horne or who would simply like to learn more about this important American artist, I can’t recommend this book enough.

Here are some additional notes from this excellent biography:

  • Lena Horne was married twice and had two children, a son and a daughter, with her first husband.
  • Her second husband was Lennie Hayton, who was white and Jewish. He was a bandleader, and they worked together. As an interracial couple, they faced housing discrimination in Los Angeles and in New York City.
  • She worked hard on her singing and was constantly improving.
  • She had a fiery temper.
  • She often went to the movies alone.
  • When she was first hired at MGM and went to get her hair done, a hairdresser refused to work on her because she was black.
  • Also in Hollywood, she met Hattie McDaniel and Butterfly McQueen, who had both been in “Gone With The Wind.”
  • She was investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee.
  • She had flings with many fellow celebrities, including Orson Welles, Joe Louis and even Vincente Minnelli!
  • Her close friends included Ava Gardner.
  • She was in a Broadway musical with Ricardo Montalban.
  • She admired the singing of Aretha Franklin.
  • During World War II, Horne entertained in various USO shows and was infuriated when white German POWs were seated in the front and black U.S. service members in the back.
  • Also during the war years, Horne paid multiple visits to Tuskegee, Alabama, to support the Tuskegee Airmen, the courageous group of black fighter pilots. She made several trips at her own expense and on her way home from one particular visit she stopped at an airport diner but was denied service because she was black. But that didn’t stop a boy from the kitchen from asking for her autograph as she was leaving, which she gave him.
  • On a dinner date once with her husband at a fancy establishment, she threw an ashtray at a guy who called her a racial slur, clobbering him and causing him to bleed from the head. The incident got in the papers the next day.
  • When she appeared in “The Wiz,” the director, Sidney Lumet, was her son in law!
  • Lena Horne recorded the song “A Fine Romance” more than once. The version I like, the one on the Priscilla soundtrack, is from her 1988 album “The Men in My Life.”
  • The title of the book comes from the song “Stormy Weather,” which Horne performed in a film of the same name. It was her signature song.

In the early 1980s Horne did a one-women Broadway show, “Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music,” which was a big hit. As the author explains, this was her version of her story, told the way she wanted to tell it, which was not 100 percent accurate in all aspects. But the audiences loved it, and Horne took the show on tour and also filmed it for TV. It turned into a “victory lap” of sorts, allowing her to put a nice exclamation mark on her long career as an entertainer. At the 1981 Tony Awards ceremony she received a special award for her show and then performed “Believe in Yourself,” her song from “The Wiz.” This is easy to find on YouTube. It’s a powerful performance that brings a tear to my eye no matter how many times I watch the clip.

Lena Horne took me away from the U.S. presidents for a while, but I sure am glad I took the time to read about her. What a remarkable life she had. Speaking of the presidents, she lived long enough to see Barack Obama elected!







Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President by Robert Dallek book reviewLyndon Baines Johnson, also known as LBJ, was our nation’s 36th President. He was from Texas. He was elected Vice President under John F. Kennedy in 1960 and became president on Nov. 22, 1963, when JFK was assassinated in Dallas. Johnson took the oath of office in a somber, quickly thrown together ceremony aboard Air Force One before the plane took off to return to Washington, as documented in the famous photograph. The following year LBJ was elected to the presidency in his own right, winning in a landslide over the right-wing Republican candidate, Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona. In the 1964 presidential election, Johnson received 61.1 percent of the popular vote vs. 38.5 percent for Goldwater. In the Electoral College that year, it was 486 votes for Johnson and 52 for Goldwater.

Politically, President Johnson was a liberal Democrat. His legacy is still with us today. He admired what President Franklin D. Roosevelt had done for our country, and he wanted to build upon that legacy. FDR had used the label “New Deal,” and LBJ coined the terms “war on poverty” and the “Great Society” to sell his proposed government programs to the American people. He signed massive amounts of new legislation into law, including federal aid to schools, consumer protections, environmental regulations, and funding for mass transit, public broadcasting, food stamps and housing. He also signed into law the Freedom of Information Act, plus gun control, immigration reform, employment nondiscrimination and protections for people with physical disabilities. Johnson’s biggest domestic achievement was the establishment of Medicare and Medicaid. It took a considerable amount of political skill and arm-twisting to get these programs enacted.

LBJ invested even more of his political capital to improve racial justice in our country. He got the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed, and unlike previous laws these had real meaning for American citizens with black skin. For the first time in our nation’s history, under federal law, black people were finally able to enjoy equal access to schools and public accommodations and — most importantly — to vote. Additionally, the Medicare law was written in such a way as to prohibit racial discrimination in hospitals and doctors offices. This had immense effect. And in a milestone for the Supreme Court, Johnson appointed Thurgood Marshall an Associate Justice, thus breaking the color barrier on the nation’s highest court.

Sadly, it was also during the Johnson presidency that American involvement in Vietnam spiraled out of control. The North Vietnamese, who were Communists, wanted one unified country under Communist rule. The capital of North Vietnam was Hanoi. We were on the side of the South Vietnamese, whose capital was Saigon. The Viet Cong, a Communist military organization, was all over South Vietnam. The fear was that if Vietnam went Communist, it would cause a “domino effect” that would be impossible to stop. The Soviet Union and China would then become the world’s dominant countries, and the American capitalist system would wane. No, we could not let that happen, the thinking went. We had to make a stand in Vietnam. Our involvement had started under Eisenhower and Kennedy with a few thousand military “advisers,” but that term was really a euphemism.

It was not even a declared war. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, passed by Congress in August 1964 in response to an attack on a U.S warship that was either real or conjured up, gave the President the authority to escalate. Gradually over time, we sent more and more ground troops to Southeast Asia, eventually hundreds of thousands, most of whom were drafted. The problem was that no matter how much support we gave them, no matter how many troops we sent, no matter how many bombs we dropped against the North Vietnamese, the war was unwinnable. The South Vietnamese were simply not able to form a viable government of their own. Those who were in charge of the government in the South were corrupt and incompetent. They oppressed Buddhists. And the North Vietnamese were not going to give up, no way, never. Things just kept getting worse and worse. And as the situation worsened, LBJ’s popularity fell with the American public. Johnson had wanted to pass more domestic initiatives, but the war in Vietnam was sapping too many of our resources. He had to call for tax increases.

In January 1968, the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong launched the Tet Offensive, so named for the Vietnamese New Year holiday, in which they attacked a number of sites all over South Vietnam. Although it was not a success for them militarily, it had tremendous ramifications because it affirmed that the war had become a stalemate. All during this time, the anti-war movement gathered momentum and became more and more unstoppable. There were protests on college campuses. By March 1968 Johnson, with his approval rating in the gutter, decided not to run for re-election. He made the announcement on national television. His exact words: “I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.”

This comes at the end of “Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President,” by Robert Dallek, the subject of today’s book report. This biography, at 375 pages, is a “Readers Digest condensed” version of the same author’s two-volume biography of LBJ. I selected this book because I did not want to read thousands and thousands of pages on Johnson. There is also yet another, even more famous multi-volume biography of Johnson by Robert Caro, which I am skipping because of its daunting length. (So far Caro has written FOUR very long books about LBJ, with a fifth on the way!)

The best part of this book by Dallek, the one I read, came at the end, in which the author offers a thoughtful analysis of the Johnson presidency, and Johnson the man. But what I learned most came in its early chapters about LBJ’s upbringing and his rise to power. LBJ came from humble roots. His family was poor. He was born in 1908 in the remote town of Stonewall, Texas. During and immediately after college he was a schoolteacher. He taught in small towns, and his students were poor and disadvantaged. He would think about them often during his entire political career. In 1931 Johnson moved to Washington, D.C., to serve as an aide to Richard M. Kleberg, who had just been elected to the House of Representatives. The Congressman was lazy, and so Johnson actually did all the work for him behind the scenes! He put in long hours and learned the ins and outs of how things were done in the nation’s capital. He even caught the attention of the newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1937 Johnson ran for his own seat in the House and won, representing the 10th District, which included Austin.

Johnson also had a brief stint in the military during World War II. He entered the Naval Reserve in 1940. After Pearl Harbor, FDR sent him to Australia, in part to be his eyes and ears. Johnson, who was a sitting U.S. Congressman, was sent on one combat air mission against the Japanese before returning stateside to resume his career in Congress.

In 1941 Johnson ran for the U.S. Senate but lost in the primary. He tried again in 1948, and this time he won the primary and then in the general. Over the next dozen years, Johnson would come to dominate the Senate. He became Senate Majority Whip for the Democrats, then Senate Minority Leader, then Senate Majority Leader, which is the same position Mitch McConnell has today. In 1960 Johnson tried for the Democratic nomination for president, but Kennedy prevailed and then selected Johnson as his running mate. After he took office JFK asked Vice President Johnson to be chairman of the space council. At the time there was a “space race” going on between the United States and the Soviet Union. Vice President Johnson also went on a number of overseas trips, in which he passed out pens and other souvenirs.

Here are a few more notes about LBJ:

  • He could be physically crude, and he had a dominating and forceful personality. He employed what came to be known as “the treatment,” which was a combination of intimidation, flattery, forceful persuasion and getting in a person’s physical space, to strong-arm politicians into voting in a certain way or supporting a particular cause.
  • Johnson also used racially insensitive language. There are tapes. He can be heard using racial epithets when speaking to Senators when pressuring them to go along with his civil rights legislation. According to the author, LBJ used such language not because he was racist himself but because it was the way Southerners talked back then and a way to get through to them.
  • According to political lore, it was the passage of the civil rights laws in the early 1960s that caused the South to swing Republican. Johnson even predicted that this would happen.
  • During Johnson’s presidency, there were inner city riots in Los Angeles, Detroit and other cities in response to police violence against blacks. As we know now, the causes of these uprisings were very serious and very real. The only difference back then is that we did not have the cellphone videos.
  • One of Johnson’s first acts as president was to appoint a panel of distinguished Americans to investigate the assassination of JFK and present a report to the American public. This became known as the Warren Commission, named after its chairman, Earl Warren, the Chief Justice of the United States. Also on the commission was Congressman Gerald R. Ford of Michigan. Their conclusion — correct, in my opinion — was that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
  • During the 1964 presidential race against Goldwater, the Johnson campaign ran an ad on television showing a little girl picking petals from a daisy, then the camera zooms in on her eye and a nuclear bomb goes off. The ad was shocking and aired only once.
  • As mentioned, Medicare and Medicaid ranked among Johnson’s crowning achievements. In 1965 he invited former President Harry S. Truman to the signing of the Medicare Bill. Truman had been an advocate of universal health care. The ceremony took place in Independence, Missouri, Truman’s hometown.
  • When Johnson announced he was not going to seek another term of office in 1968 it looked like Robert F. Kennedy would win the Democratic nomination and go on to win the presidency. After Bobby was assassinated, Vice President Hubert Humphrey went on to receive the Democratic nomination, and he lost to Richard Nixon.
  • After LBJ left the presidency and returned to Texas, he grew long hair!
  • LBJ had married Claudia Alta Taylor, more commonly known as Lady Bird, and they had two daughters.
  • Everything in Johnson’s life that could be named had the initials LBJ. This included his daughters Lynda Bird Johnson and Luci Baines Johnson, his ranch and even the family pets.
  • Johnson bought local radio and television stations in Texas, and the profits and proceeds from these provided enough money for him to retire comfortably and provide for Lady Bird after his death.
  • LBJ died January 22, 1973, at age 64.

One more, final note about Johnson: He was president when I was born, but I have absolutely no recollection of him at all in my own personal memories.


Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest painters of all time. His “greatest hits” include the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and Vitruvian Man, that instantly recognizable drawing of a naked man standing with outstretched arms inside a square inside a circle. But he was much more than just a painter. He pioneered the study of human anatomy. Throughout his life he dissected corpses and completed accurate, illustrative drawings. Leonardo was also an engineer who designed everything from large water projects to weapons. He studied mathematics and was able to depict numerical concepts in visual form. He invented and played various musical instruments. He also designed elaborate theatrical spectacles, which we can only imagine today based on existing written descriptions.

Leonardo book review Walter Isaacson

Leonardo was born in 1452 in the small town of Vinci, Italy, which was near Florence, which was a center of the arts at the time. He was born out of wedlock. His father was a notary, which was an important profession at the time. Being born to parents who were not married was not a source of public shame then, but because Leonardo was of illegitimate birth he was not able to follow in his father’s career path. But this might have been more a blessing than a curse for a gifted youngster who exhibited much talent as an artist. As a teen-ager Leonardo went to Florence and became an apprentice in the studio of Verrocchio, who was an established artist. At the time, art was more of a team effort, where paintings were commissioned and painted by an artist assisted by numerous apprentices. Eventually Leonardo was able to branch out on his own and received support from various patrons, including the wealthy Medici family, and the politically powerful Francesco Sforza and Cesare Borgia. In addition to Florence, Leonardo also lived and worked in Milan, Venice and Rome. He spent the final part of his life in France, where he was part of the court of King Francis I, who put him up in a nice house. Leonardo died in 1519, and one account says that he was being cradled in the king’s arms as he passed away, although that story might be more legend than fact.

Leonardo’s most defining characteristic, which he had throughout his life, was intense curiosity about the world and everything in it. Throughout his life he kept notebooks, pages and pages of notebooks, in which he documented what he learned, sketched out his drawings and even wrote down shopping and to-do lists.

This is all according to “Leonardo Da Vinci,” the 500-page illustrated biography by Walter Isaacson that was published in 2017. This was a pleasure to read. This is the third biography I have read by Isaacson, who is a historian and former editor of Time magazine. I previously read his excellent books on Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein. He also wrote biographies of Steve Jobs and Henry Kissinger that I have not read.

Here are a few more notes about Leonardo:

  • He had his own peculiar style of writing, in mirror text from right to left. All of his notebooks are written in this manner.
  • Leonardo is thought of as an old, bearded man with thick eyebrows and deep wrinkles, but when he was young he was handsome and muscular.
  • He dressed in a flamboyant manner.
  • He had a younger male lover, whom he depicted in many of his drawings.
  • According to the author, Leonardo was not troubled in the least with his sexual orientation.
  • Later in life Leonardo developed a strong relationship with another younger male companion, who was probably more of a secretary.
  • Sigmund Freud wrote a major psychological study of Leonardo that Isaacson dismisses as bunk.
  • Many of Leonardo’s works were abandoned, lost to the ravages of time or were unrealized, including a massive monument of a horse, which was to be erected in Milan. Today a version of that monument, known as The American Horse, can be seen at the Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • Leonardo crossed paths with another artistic genius, Michelangelo. But while Michelangelo focused on distinct lines in his paintings, Leonardo focused on the shadows. Leonardo’s technique is known as “sfumato,” or smoke, as exhibited most prominently in the Mona Lisa.
  • Leonardo had the Mona Lisa with him until the end of his life, and he probably considered it unfinished.
  • In 2017, the same year this biography was published, the artist’s recently discovered “Salvator Mundi” painting of Christ holding an orb was sold at auction for $450 million!

As I mentioned, this was a fascinating book to read. But it is also a wonderful book to simply hold and look at. For anyone interested in getting a copy I would recommend purchasing the hardcover, which includes beautifully reproduced color images of his paintings and major drawings. Sometimes I spent just as much time looking at the various paintings and drawings as reading about them.

Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa


Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci


Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci


Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo Da Vinci, now housed in Czartoryski Museum, Poland.


The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

Jackie Kennedy via Clint Hill

Clint Hill was a Secret Service agent assigned to protect Jacqueline Kennedy. He’s the one who jumped on the back of the car in Dallas. He’s done a number of television interviews over the years, and he also wrote a few books about his experiences, including “Mrs. Kennedy and Me,” about the four years he spent with the first lady and her family.

Fred Michmershuizen

Through Mr. Hill, we learn a bit more about Mrs. Kennedy and her day-to-day life both in and out of the public eye. He narrates about life in the White House, various private family retreats to Florida and Massachusetts, as well as high-profile trips overseas. Many of the stories in this book are fun to read about. The chapters about the assassination come at the very end, and some of the details, which are also documented elsewhere, are quite grim. (Hill also wrote “Five Days in November,” which is an hour-by-hour account of the trip to Texas that ended in tragedy for Mrs. Kennedy and the whole country, which is another worthwhile read, in my opinion.)

Clint Hill book reviewTwo of the more peculiar incidents described in the book both involve Aristotle Onassis, the wealthy and famous Greek who would one day become Jackie’s second husband. Jackie made two solo trips to Greece during JFK’s presidency. According to the book, Hill was summoned to the Oval Office before the first trip and told by the President himself that whatever happens, to keep Jackie away from Onassis. But on her second trip Jackie stayed with Onassis on his yacht, this time with the full blessing of JFK. Hill says he was puzzled but that he never felt it his place to ask for explanation.

Here are a few more notes about Jackie Kennedy:

  • Like her husband, she came from a wealthy family.
  • She was beautiful, glamorous and immensely popular.
  • Daughter Caroline Kennedy was a toddler when JFK was elected, and John Jr. was born in the weeks after the election in 1960. Another child, Patrick, was born in the summer of 1963 but died.
  • Mrs. Kennedy liked to exercise every day, and some of her favorite physical activities included horseback riding and waterskiing.
  • She renovated the White House and then gave a tour that was nationally televised.
  • She was fluent in French, which helped endear her to foreign dignitaries on the Kennedys’ trip to Paris.
  • On the Texas trip, while in San Antonio, Mrs. Kennedy addressed the League of United Latin American Citizens in Spanish and received an enthusiastic response.

Also during JFK’s presidency, Jackie helped arrange a visit of the Mona Lisa to the United States. I’ll have more to say about that most famous of all paintings in some upcoming, non-presidential book reports.

Top Photo: Mrs. Kennedy in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. (Robert Knudsenderivative, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)


John F. Kennedy, also known as JFK, also known as Jack Kennedy, was our nation’s 35th president. Among his most lasting achievements were the founding of the Peace Corps and his fostering of the space program. He also prevented nuclear annihilation. He was a war hero. He was young and energetic and had movie-star good looks. His wife, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, also known as Jackie, and later Jackie O, was enormously popular in her own right. Kennedy was the immediate successor to Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was a Democrat. He defeated then Vice President Richard M. Nixon in the presidential election of 1960. Three years later, in an event that shocked the world, Kennedy was shot to death in front of thousands of people in Dallas. His assassination took place on this day (Nov. 22) in 1963. Upon JFK’s death, Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson was sworn in as President.

Today’s book report is about “An Unfinished Life — John. F. Kennedy: 1917-1963,” by Robert Dallek. This biography, at 718 pages of text, focuses mostly on the Kennedy presidency. There is almost nothing in the book about the assassination itself, although there is plenty of information about the many issues Kennedy was wrestling with in the weeks and months leading up to his trip to Texas. The author speculates about what kind of president JFK might have become had he won re-election to a second term.

Fred Michmershuizen

As president, Kennedy faced a number of domestic and international challenges, including the economy, civil rights, dealing with the Russians in post World War II Europe, and the immense challenges that the existence of nuclear weapons posed to our country and to the world at large. It was the height of the Cold War, and Kennedy clashed with Nikita Kruschev, the leader of the USSR.

Both his biggest failure and his greatest success while in office involved Cuba. Shortly after Kennedy took office, he authorized a covert operation intended to remove Fidel Castro from power. The plan, which had been formulated during Eisenhower’s presidency, was to use CIA operatives and anti-Castro Cuban exiles to invade the island, where they would presumably be greeted as liberators (sound familiar?), thus causing Castro to be toppled from power. Of course this did not go as planned. What became known as the Bay of Pigs Invasion turned into a massive disaster, ultimately strengthening Castro’s hand. Kennedy could have escalated matters by ordering a full-scale military assault, as many of his military advisors had presumed would happen, but to his credit Kennedy accepted the loss and took responsibility for it.

The following year, in October 1962, the Soviet Union began installing missiles in Cuba that they could have used to strike the United States with nuclear weapons. Some of Kennedy’s military advisors wanted us to bomb Cuba and ask questions later, or to launch a ground invasion. Anyone who has seen the 1964 Stanley Kubrick film “Dr. Strangelove” might remember how crazy for war some of the military chiefs were. According to Dallek, at least one of them was drawn from real life. Instead of a belligerent military response, which in all likelihood would have sparked all-out nuclear war, Kennedy decided to use a naval blockade, which he called a “quarantine,” along with diplomacy, which turned into quite forceful diplomacy involving the United Nations, to get the missiles out of Cuba. It worked. In my view, it was Kennedy’s astute, intelligent and well-reasoned leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis that prevented unspeakable death and destruction.

The book starts at the beginning of the 35th president’s life. As we learn, John F. Kennedy was born 1917 to a famous and wealthy family. Both of JFK’s grandfathers had been prominent in local and state politics. JFK was the second oldest of nine children of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. Joe Sr. was a successful businessman who became immensely wealthy through many ventures as well as by investing in the stock market. He was also a prominent Democrat. President Franklin D. Roosevelt named him the first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and later appointed him ambassador to Great Britain. In 1938, as Britain was appeasing Hitler, all 11 Kennedys went to London, and they were there when Nazi Germany invaded Poland and World War II broke out. But Joe Sr. was an isolationist, and when he said some things in the press that were not in keeping with U.S. policy at the time, FDR recalled him.

John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office on July 11, 1963. (Photo: Cecil Stoughton, White House, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)


Back home, after Kennedy graduated from Harvard in 1940, he attempted to join the U.S. Army as an officer, but he was disqualified due to health reasons. The following year, he tried again, this time with the Navy. His father pulled some strings to get him in despite a bad back, and JFK eventually assumed command of various PT Boats. In 1943 he was commanding the PT-109 in the Solomon Islands in the Pacific theater when it was struck and destroyed by a Japanese ship. He led himself and the 10 surviving crew members to safety, but it took many days for them to be rescued. At one point Kennedy swam 2 miles through the open ocean to seek help for his men, despite what must have been excruciating physical pain, not to mention extreme hunger and thirst. He was later honored with various medals, including a Purple Heart, for his service.

After the war Kennedy briefly became a newspaper correspondent before entering into politics. He first ran for Congress from Massachusetts in 1946, with the backing of his father, who poured massive amounts of cash into this and subsequent campaigns. Kennedy served three terms in the House. Then, in 1952 he was elected to the United States Senate, defeating Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1958 before running for President in 1960.

Here are some additional revelations from this book. Before and during his presidency, Kennedy experienced many health problems that were not disclosed to the American people. When he was still in college he was frequently hospitalized. Today many of his health problems have been attributed to Addison’s disease, which is a disorer of the adrenal glands, however JFK’s health issues were much more complicated than that. According to the book, he experienced lifelong gastrointestinal problems and chronic back pain. He was frequently medicated with steroids and other drugs. Other revelations in the book involve Kennedy’s sex life. Before and during his marriage to Jackie, JFK was a womanizer. He had many conquests. One of his many affairs might have been with Marilyn Monroe. The also author says that the infamous White House taping system, which would later result in Nixon’s downfall, was installed by Kennedy! There were even missing tapes, he says, speculating that they might have been destroyed to cover up dalliances with Marilyn, or perhaps a secret plot against Castro, or perhaps details of JFK’s health problems.

More notes about JFK, his family and his presidency:

  • Kennedy wrote several books, the most famous of which is “Profiles In Courage,” which was probably ghost written. He also published “Why England Slept,” which was his college thesis, about Britain failing to strengthen its military in the aftermath of the first world war even as Germany was becoming more of a menace.
  • Kennedy was not considered a true liberal by Democratic Party standard-bearers such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Adlai Stevenson.
  • Unlike his father, who was an isolationist, Kennedy was a globalist.
  • JFK traveled extensively before becoming president, including all over Europe and South America. He was curious about the world.
  • Civil rights leaders were frustrated by lack of progress during his presidential administration.
  • The civil rights march on Washington in which Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I have a dream” speech took place when Kennedy was president.
  • He was Catholic, which at the time of his election was a huge issue.
  • Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill, who became Speaker of the House, was successor to JFK in his House seat.
  • As president, Kennedy made a visit to West Berlin and spoke before a massive crowd.
  • The presidential couple had a daughter, Caroline Kennedy, who would one day serve as ambassador to Japan. Today she is their only surviving descendant.
  • Their son, John F. Kennedy Jr., also known as John-John, who was just turning 3 years old when his father was killed, became a lawyer and magazine publisher and might have gone into politics himself one day. But he died in a plane crash along with his wife and sister-in-law in 1999.
  • John and Jackie also had a daughter who was stillborn, and a son who died in infancy.
  • In order of birth starting with the oldest, the Kennedy siblings consisted of Joseph aka Joe Jr.; John; Rosemary; Kathleen; Eunice; Patricia; Robert aka Bobby; Jean; and Edward aka Ted.
  • Joe Jr. was killed during World War II. Kathleen was killed in a plane crash in 1948. Rosemary was developmentally disabled and, sadly, she spent most of her life institutionalized.
  • According to Kennedy family lore, Joe Jr. was the one who was destined to become president someday, but when the oldest son was killed during World War II the mantle fell upon John.
  • Eunice married Sargent Shriver, who helped found the Peace Corps and who was George McGovern’s vice presidential running mate in 1972. One of their children is Maria Shriver, the television journalist who was married to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Eunice founded the Special Olympics.
  • Patricia was married to the actor Peter Lawford.
  • Robert F. Kennedy, also known as RFK or Bobby Kennedy, was JFK’s Attorney General and one of his closest political advisors. Bobby clashed with LBJ. In 1965 he became a Senator from New York, and he was running for the Democratic nomination for president when he was assassinated in 1968 the night he won the California primary.
  • Jean served as ambassador to Ireland and died this past June.
  • Edward Kennedy, more commonly known as Ted, became a Senator from Massachusetts during the JFK presidency. He served for 47 years until his death from brain cancer in 2009.
  • John F. Kennedy was the eighth and most recent president to die in office and the fourth to be killed. Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield and William McKinley were also assassinated. William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding and Franklin D. Roosevelt died of natural causes.

As I mentioned the Dallek book does not delve into the assassination itself, but each year around this time a number of TV specials about that day in Dallas are shown on the Smithsonian Channel, the History Channel and other channels. I’ve learned a great deal from many of these documentaries, and they stand in stark contrast to the 1991 Oliver Stone movie “JFK,” which in my opinion is total rubbish.

One much more worthwhile film about Kennedy is “Thirteen Days,” from 2000, with Kevin Costner. Although the movie is a bit off in some of the details and personnel involved, in my opinion it does a good job of portraying the skill and thoughtfulness that JFK used to avert nuclear war. It was, in my opinion, Kennedy’s finest hour.





Coney Island

Coney Island is a neighborhood at the far southern tip of Brooklyn featuring an amusement park, a boardwalk and a beach. It’s where a famous Mermaid Parade takes place every June, where Nathan’s holds a hot dog eating contest each year on the Fourth of July, and where the Polar Bear Club invites civilians to jump in the ocean on New Year’s Day, no matter how cold the weather. During the summer months, there are lifeguards here, and bodybuilders take turns showing off at a pull-up bar on the sand. There are tattoo parlors and stands offering frozen alcoholic beverages, and more than a few unsavory characters. The New York Aquarium is also located here. From Manhattan, it takes an hour and fifteen minutes to get here on the Subway. From where I live now in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood, it is six subway stops away or a 45-minute walk. Since I moved here, all the rides, events and attractions have been closed or canceled because of the pandemic, but it is still an interesting place to walk around.

Coney Island Fred Michmershuizen Brooklyn

This fabulous book of historical photographs, a gift from my dear friend Garrett Glaser, is filled with all sorts of fascinating information about the rich and colorful history of this unique spot. There have been a number of different amusement parks located here, including Astroland, Feltmans, Luna Park and Steeplechase Park, sometimes operating adjacent to one another in a spirit of friendly competition. Attractions over the years have included hotels, resorts, water rides, a parachute jump, a Ferris wheel, and even a hotel shaped like a giant elephant! Many of these novelties no longer exist, but the Cyclone, pictured on the book’s cover, is still there. I have ridden the Cyclone a number of times over the years, and in my opinion it is one of our country’s best roller coasters. It’s a wooden ride, very fast and steep, similar to the Blue Streak at Cedar Point, but more compact. Also pictured on the cover is the “Astroland Moon Rocket,” which people could climb around inside, and a “Skyride,” in which passengers floated overhead in spherical capsules.

Here are a few more notes about Coney Island:

  • When people first started visiting the beach in the 1860s, they were fully clothed, sunbathing was unheard of and almost nobody went in the water!
  • In the 1870s there was a railroad known as the Culver Line that went to Coney Island, still operating today as part of the F line of the New York City Subway!
  • In the 1960s Fred Trump bought Steeplechase Park and demolished all the fun stuff with the intention of building apartments on the site.
  • In the 1890s there was a bike path along Ocean Parkway from Prospect Park to Coney Island. That bike path, described as the oldest bike path in the country, is still there, and I have ridden on it myself many times over the years!

Coney Island has evolved considerably over the past 150-plus years, and this book does a nice job of documenting much of this history. One thing that strikes me is seeing the very large crowds in many of the historical pictures. Thanks for this wonderful book, Garrett!